RELEASED: Public: August 7, 2024
Resolved issues
- Crumb errors and repeated build log output in High Availability (HA) controllers (BEE-50348)
When the Atlassian Bitbucket Server Integration plugin was installed on a High Availability (HA) controller, a variety of functions broke for builds that run on a different replica than the one with the sticky session; input steps would give a crumb error when submitted, the classic console log would repeat blocks of text, and so on. This is now corrected.
- Redundant Hazelcast events when saving proxy configuration (BEE-50759)
When saving the system outbound proxy configuration in a High Availability (HA) controller, replicas receiving the modification event would not only load the modified configuration but also refire the same event, wasting resources by forcing other replicas to verify that the configuration had not in fact changed again. Now, recipients of the event load the new configuration, as was already the case for other global configurations.