RELEASED: Public: 2013-03-19
Resolved issues
CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-1745
[RM-1745] Updates were not being downloaded when running behind a proxy
CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-1345
[RM-1345] Permissions not reliably loaded at startup.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-1625
[RM-1625] When hitting a 404 trying to scrape a HTML index page in order to buold a catalog of Tool Installers, describe in the log entry that this is sometimes expected.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-1623
[RM-1623] Make the default for new instances as a self-certified provider
Prefer resURL to rootURL for static resources. (Effective for plugin resources as of fe8f140 in 1.460.)
Content type for JSON changed in newer Jenkins after STAPLER-17