Master Provisioning 2.6.23

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: November 2, 2022

New features


Feature enhancements

Added node port information to the controllers StatefulSet (BEE-24058)

Added node port and node name information to the StatefulSet controller pods. The information was added in the form of environment variables. The environment variables are:

  • JNLP_NODE_PORT - identifies the node port.

  • JNLP_NODE_NAME - identifies the node name upon which the pod was started.

This information can also be used to help create dynamic TCP node port connections (for example, in the JCasC configuration).

Resolved issues

Unable to delete external agents service (BEE-24211)

The external agents service could not be deleted even after deactivating the Allow external Agents option and restarting the controller

This issue has been resolved.

Known issues


Upgrade notes
