CloudBees VMWare Autoscaling Plugin 3.9

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: 2012-11-06

New features


Resolved issues

Make it more obvious what to do after you have configured machine pools.

  • CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-1377

    [RM-1377] Do not persist agent configuration; agents should be recreated on demand by the cloud.

  • CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-1377

    [RM-1377] help-oneTimeOnly.html was not being displayed at all.

  • CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-1378

    [RM-1378] Be clearer about what VMWareActivationWrapper does and does not do.

Known issues

This plugin requires Java 6+ to run, a requirement of the underlying VIJava library used to connect to the vCenter. If running Jenkins Enterprise on Java 5 you are advised to disable this plugin.