RELEASED: Public: January 11, 2023
Upgrade notes
- Plugin removal from the CloudBees Assurance Program (CAP)
CloudBees has removed the following plugins from the CloudBees Assurance Program (CAP):
Azure PublisherSettings Credentials Plugin (BEE-27127)
Autofavorite for Blue Ocean (BEE-29280)
Build Timeout (BEE-27142)
CloudBees Amazon Web Services Deploy Engine Plugin (BEE-27135)
CloudBees Even Scheduler Plugin (BEE-27128)
CloudBees Fast Archiving Plugin (BEE-27136)
CloudBees Git Validated Merge Plugin (DOCS-7465)
CloudBees Label Throttling Plugin (BEE-27129)
CloudBees Pull Request Builder for GitHub (DOCS-7465)
CloudBees WikiText Plugin (BEE-28997)
Conditional BuildStep (BEE-27137)
Deployer Framework (BEE-27138)
Jenkins MSTestRunner plugin (BEE-27133)
Parameterized Trigger (BEE-27141)
Pipeline: Deprecated Groovy Libraries plugin (BEE-29281)
Run Condition (BEE-27146)
WMI Windows Agents (DOCS-7465)
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact link: [CloudBees Support].