Operations Center JNLP Agent Controller Plugin 1.6

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: 2014-11-28

New features


Resolved issues

  • CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-2741

    Failure to timeout when killing JNLP connections

  • CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-2677

    java.lang.SecurityException: Execution of hudson.remoting.PingThread$Ping@7fbe176 is prohibited because the channel is restricted

  • CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-2676

    java.lang.SecurityException: Sending com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.jnlp.controller.JnlpLauncherFactory$GetJnlpMac from operations center to client controller is prohibited

Known issues

Cannot delete JNLP SharedCloud/SharedSlave on windows