Operations Center Parent 3.0.1

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: June 28, 2023

New features

Use an OpenID connect flow for single sign on (BEE-33803)

Historically, the single sign on functionality relied on remoting calls between operations center and Managed Master. It has been rewritten to use a more standard OpenID connect flow. No migration action is expected, this is a drop in replacement.

Feature enhancements


Resolved issues

operations center CasC bundle missing a field (BEE-34509)

Failure to specify a defaultMappingFactory for an SSO-based securitySettingsEnforcement in CasC (realmAndAuthorization or realmOnly) could lead to repeated NullPointerExceptions later.

While this field is still mandatory, the default (trustedEquivalentRAMF) is selected to prevent errors.

  • Internal changes to streamline development. Not user visible. (BEE-33466)(BEE-33802)

Known issues


Upgrade notes
