Operations Center Parent 3.27191

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: October 30, 2024

New features


Feature enhancements


Resolved issues

Controller name not anonymized in Kubernetes Provisioning support components (BEE-51703)

The Support options Managed Controllers on Kubernetes descriptors and Managed Controllers on Kubernetes logs generate files that have anonymized content, but the name is not anonymized and it displayed controller items names. The file names are now anonymized. This issue is resolved.

Cryptic error messages in managed controller log (BEE-51854)

If a managed controller is configured as code without a Kubernetes endpoint, or without a container image, cryptic error messages could be printed in the controller log. These are now suppressed earlier, and any other similar errors will include a full stack trace for easier diagnosis. This issue is resolved.

Known issues


Upgrade notes
