Operations Center Server Plugin

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: 2020-05-26

New features

  • Auto-generated security.xml bundle entries (CTR-1423)

    Access tokens are now autogenerated when a new bundle is detected under the bundles folder in operations center.

    Also, now users can invalidate and generate new access tokens and download the appropriate link file to use in client controllers on the Configuration as Code (CasC) for controllers Bundles global configuration page.

  • CloudBees Internal Ticket: [CTR-1556]

    Feature enhancement

  • Naming of the CasC Bundles view (CTR-1556)

    The title of the "CasC Bundles" view is now "Configuration as Code (CasC) for controllers Bundles", and the usage instructions are improved.

Resolved issues


Known issues


Upgrade notes
