Add a default value to a template attribute

Article ID:204350810
1 minute readKnowledge base


  • I would like to assign a default value to a "variableX" once it is not passed any value for a Job based on a Template



In your Job Template:

On the Attributes section, add a new one:

  • ID: variableX

  • Display Name: variableX

  • Type: Text-Field (for this example)

Groovy Transformation

On the Transformer section

  • Type: Groovy Template Transformation (for this example)

  • Script, as follows:

// Adding default value if variable is empty
if (variableX == "" || variableX == null) {
<org.jenkinsci.plugins.gitbucket.GitBucketProjectProperty plugin="gitbucket@0.5.1">
<scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/>
<command>echo This is the value of my <%=variableX%> </command>

Jelly Transformation

On the Transformer section

  • Type: Jelly Template Transformation (for this example)

  • Script, as follows:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <j:if xmlns:j="jelly:core" test="${variableX == '' || variableX == null}">
        <j:set var="variableX" value="default-value-TEMPLATE"/>
        <command>echo This is the value of my ${variableX} </command>
This example example has been tested on CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise with Templates plugin 4.26