Jenkins Health Advisor fails to upload Bundle due to 'No such file or directory'

Article ID:360060706412
1 minute readKnowledge base


  • The Health Advisor by CloudBees plugin shows an administrative monitor because it failed to upload a bundle due to No such file or directory:

SEVERE  c.c.j.p.a.client.AdvisorClient#doUploadFile: Exception trying to upload support bundle. Message: [<bundle file path> (No such file or directory)], File: [<bundle file path>], Metadata: [isDirectory: [false], isHidden: [false], isReadable: [false], isRegularFile: [false], isSymbolicLink: [false], isWritable: [false]]


This is caused by the Support Core cleanup process that considers the bundles generated by Health Advisor plugin for deletion. This can happen is the bundle generated for Health Advisor completes at around the same time as the background generation of Support Core. See JENKINS-64262 for more details.


For CloudBees CI, the solution is to upgrade CloudBees CI to version or later. Otherwise, upgrade the Health Advisor by CloudBees plugin to version 3.2.3 or later.