cbsupport required-data item

1 minute read

Generate the Support Diagnostics Package needed to diagnose an Item issue

1. Synopsis

This command will generate the Support Diagnostics Package needed to diagnose an Item (job, folder, view, …) issue

cbsupport required-data item [flags]

2. Options

      --defaultExcludes        Enable the default Ant exclusions. See (default true)
      --excludes stringArray   Specify the 'excludes' pattern, such as "foo/bar/**/*". (default [**/jobs/**,**/branches/**,**/stashes/**,**/artifacts/**])
  -h, --help                   help for item
      --includes stringArray   Specify the 'includes' pattern, such as "foo/bar/**/*". (default [**/*])
      --max-depth int          Maximum depth (maxDepth) until which files will be retrieved. (default 5)

3. Options inherited from parent commands

      --advanced-mode                   Turn on advanced mode: more settings are accessible, you should not need this most of the time
      --bundle-generation-timeout int   Set the bundle download generation timeout in seconds (default 300)
      --debug                           Turn on debug output