Role-based access control (RBAC) API reference

7 minute readReference

The CloudBees Role-Based Access Control plugin provides endpoints, which allow managing groups and roles using POST requests. It is also possible to retrieve the data in various formats using CloudBees CI standard REST API functionality.


To access the Role-based access control (RBAC) management API you need an API authentication token. See API authentication for more information.

Authorization depends on the endpoints and/or methods. See the required permissions in Endpoints and methods.

Endpoints and methods

Managing RBAC group containers

This set of commands allows managing groups in various group containers: root, folders, jobs and nodes. Endpoint URL examples:

  • ${JENKINS_URL}/groups

  • ${JENKINS_URL}/job/folder1/job/folder2/groups

  • ${JENKINS_URL}/job/folder1/job/myJob/groups

  • ${JENKINS_URL}/computer/node1/groups

Table 1. Group containers endpoints and methods
Endpoint Required permissions Description Parameters

GET ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/api/json


Lists groups in the container.

  • Name: tree

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The tree parameter allows you to explicitly specify and retrieve only the information you are looking for, by using an XPath-ish path expression. The value should be a list of property names to include, with sub-properties inside square braces.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/createGroup


Creates a new group.

  • Name: name

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The name parameter is the name of the group to be created.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/deleteGroup


Deletes a group.

  • Name: name

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The name parameter is the name of the group to be deleted.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/addRoleFilter


Adds a role filter. A role filter allows roles to be filtered in the container if these roles are filterable.

  • Name: name

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The name parameter is the name of the role, which should be filtered.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/deleteRoleFilter


Deletes a role filter.

  • Name: name

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The name parameter is the name of the role, which should not be filtered anymore.

Managing RBAC groups individually

After creating groups using the commands above, you may need to configure the groups. For each group, the API endpoint can be accessed by its group URL. Endpoint examples:

  • ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/myGroupName

  • ${JENKINS_URL}/job/folder1/job/myJob/groups/myGroupName

  • ${JENKINS_URL}/computer/node1/groups/myGroupName

Table 2. Groups endpoints and methods
Endpoint Required permissions Description Parameters

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/myGroupName/setDescription


Sets the group description.

  • Name: description

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The description parameter is a raw string with the group description.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/myGroupName/addUser


Adds a new user to the group.

  • Name: name

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The name parameter is the User id of the user to be added.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/myGroupName/removeUser


Removes a user from a group.

  • Name: name

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The name parameter is the User id of the user to be removed.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/myGroupName/addGroup


Adds a new internal RBAC group or external (from the security realm) group to the myGroupName group.

  • Name: name

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The name parameter is the name of the group to be added.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/myGroupName/removeGroup


Removes internal or external groups.

  • Name: name

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The name parameter is the id of the internal or external group to be removed.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/myGroupName/grantRole


Grants a role to this group. Overrides the current settings if they exist.

  • Name: role

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The role parameter is the ID of the role.

  • Name: offset

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: integer

    • Description: The offset parameter is the propagation level. 0 = current (for example, folder); 1 = child; 2 = grandchild; other = error.

  • Name: inherited

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: boolean

    • Description: The inherited parameter is true if the role should be granted to child items.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/deleteRoleFilter


Deletes a role filter.

  • Name: name

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The name parameter is the name of the role, which should not be filtered anymore.

Managing RBAC global roles

On the top level of Jenkins you can create and manage roles. Endpoint URL for overall group management: ${JENKINS_URL}/roles.

Table 3. Global roles endpoints and methods
Endpoint Required permissions Description Parameters

GET ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/api/json


Lists all global roles.

  • Name: tree

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The tree parameter allows you to explicitly specify and retrieve only the information you are looking for, by using an XPath-ish path expression. The value should be a list of property names to include, with sub-properties inside square braces.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/createRole


Creates a new role.

  • Name: name

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The name parameter is the name of the role to be added.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/deleteRole


Removes a role.

  • Name: name

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The name parameter is the name of the role to be removed.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/createFilterableRole


Adds a role to the list of filterable roles.

  • Name: name

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The name parameter is the name of the role to be added to the list of filterable roles.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/deleteFilterableRole


Remove role from the list of filterable roles.

  • Name: name

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: The name parameter is the name of the role, which should be removed from the list of filterable roles.

Managing RBAC roles individually

After creating roles it is possible to manage them individually. Endpoint URL for individual group management: ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/{ROLE_NAME}.

Table 4. Group containers endpoints and methods
Endpoint Required permissions Description Parameters

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/{ROLE_NAME}/grantPermissions


Grants permissions to the role.

  • Name: permissions

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: Comma-separated list of permissions to be granted.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/role/{ROLE_NAME}/revokePermissions


Revokes permissions from the role.

  • Name: permissions

    • Parameter type: Query string parameter

    • Data type: string

    • Description: Comma-separated list of permissions to be granted.

Request examples

Group containers

Table 5. Group containers request examples
Endpoint Request example

GET ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/api/json

curl -g --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XGET "[name,description,roles,roleAssignments,users,groups,url]"

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/createGroup

curl --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XPOST ""

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/addRoleFilter

curl --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XPOST ""

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/deleteRoleFilter

curl --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XPOST ""
In the request examples "admin" is the name of the user attempting to send the request and "" is the url for the operations center.
The -g option switches off the "URL globbing parser" for curl. When you set this option, you can specify URLs that contain the letters {}[] without having them being interpreted by curl itself. Note that these letters are not normal legal URL contents but they should be encoded according to the URI standard.

Groups individually

Table 6. Group request examples
Endpoint Request example

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/myGroupName/setDescription

curl --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XPOST ""

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/myGroupName/addMember

curl --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XPOST ""
The addMember endpoint has been deprecated. Use either the addUser or addGroup endpoint instead.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/myGroupName/removeMember

curl --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XPOST ""
The removeMember endpoint has been deprecated. Use either the removeUser or removeGroup endpoint instead.

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/myGroupName/grantRole

curl --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XPOST ""

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/myGroupName/revokeRole

curl --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XPOST ""
In the request examples "admin" is the name of the user attempting to send the request and "" is the url for the operations center.

Global roles

Table 7. Global roles request examples
Endpoint Request example

GET ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/api/json

curl -g --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XGET "[id,filterable,grantedPermissions]"

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/createRole

curl --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XPOST ""

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/deleteRole

curl --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XPOST ""

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/createFilterableRole

curl --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XPOST ""

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/deleteFilterableRole

curl --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XPOST ""
In the request examples "admin" is the name of the user attempting to send the request and "" is the url for the operations center.
The -g option switches off the "URL globbing parser" for curl. When you set this option, you can specify URLs that contain the letters {}[] without having them being interpreted by curl itself. Note that these letters are not normal legal URL contents but they should be encoded according to the URI standard.

Individual roles

Table 8. Individual roles request examples
Endpoint Request example

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/{ROLE_NAME}/grantPermissions

curl --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XPOST ",hudson.model.Hudson.Administer"

POST ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/{ROLE_NAME}/revokePermissions

curl --user "admin:rG57xFa2eFrCeWjG4NKU5QMJeW9TzfSkym" -XPOST ",hudson.model.Hudson.Administer"
In the request examples "admin" is the name of the user attempting to send the request and "" is the url for the operations center.

Response examples

GET ${JENKINS_URL}/groups/api/json
GET ${JENKINS_URL}/roles/api/json
{ "_class": "nectar.plugins.rbac.groups.RootProxyGroupContainer", "groups": [ { "description": null, "users": [ "ada", "john" ], "groups": [ "dev-group" ], "members": [ "ada", "john", "dev-group" ], "name": "Developers", "roleAssignments": [ {} ], "roles": [ "develop" ], "url": "groups/Developers/" }, { "description": null, "users": [ "jane", "tom" ], "groups": [], "members": [ "jane", "tom" ], "name": "Browsers", "roleAssignments": [ {} ], "roles": [ "browse" ], "url": "groups/Browsers/" }, { "description": null, "users": [ "admin" ], "groups": [], "members": [ "admin" ], "name": "Administrators", "roleAssignments": [ {} ], "roles": [ "administer" ], "url": "groups/Administrators/" } ] }
{ "_class": "nectar.plugins.rbac.groups.RootProxyGroupContainer$RootRolesAction", "roles": [ { "filterable": false, "grantedPermissions": [ "com.cloudbees.pipeline.governance.templates.catalog.TemplateCatalogAction.ViewCatalogs" ], "id": "authenticated", "id": "authenticated" }, { "filterable": false, "grantedPermissions": [ "com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugin.metrics.views.Alerter.Mute", "com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugin.metrics.views.Alerter.View", "", "com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.model.ClientMaster.Configure", "com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.model.ClientMaster.Lifecycle", "com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.model.SharedCloud.Configure", "com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.model.SharedCloud.Connect", "com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.model.SharedCloud.Disconnect", "com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.model.SharedCloud.ForceRelease", "com.cloudbees.pipeline.governance.templates.catalog.TemplateCatalogAction.ManageCatalogs", "com.cloudbees.pipeline.governance.templates.catalog.TemplateCatalogAction.ViewCatalogs", "com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.Create", "com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.Delete", "com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.ManageDomains", "com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.Update", "com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.View", "com.cloudbees.plugins.updatecenter.UpdateCenter.Configure", "com.cloudbees.plugins.updatecenter.UpdateCenter.Promote", "com.cloudbees.plugins.updatecenter.UpdateCenter.Store", "com.cloudbees.plugins.updatecenter.UpdateCenter.Upload", "hudson.model.Computer.Build", "hudson.model.Computer.Configure", "hudson.model.Computer.Connect", "hudson.model.Computer.Create", "hudson.model.Computer.Delete", "hudson.model.Computer.Disconnect", "hudson.model.Computer.Provision", "hudson.model.Computer.Secure", "hudson.model.Computer.ViewOwners", "hudson.model.Hudson.Administer", "hudson.model.Hudson.ConfigureUpdateCenter", "hudson.model.Hudson.Manage", "hudson.model.Hudson.Read", "hudson.model.Hudson.RunScripts", "hudson.model.Hudson.UploadPlugins", "hudson.model.Item.Build", "hudson.model.Item.Cancel", "hudson.model.Item.Configure", "hudson.model.Item.Create", "hudson.model.Item.Delete", "hudson.model.Item.Discover", "hudson.model.Item.Move", "hudson.model.Item.Promote", "hudson.model.Item.Read", "hudson.model.Item.Request", "hudson.model.Item.Workspace", "hudson.model.Run.Delete", "hudson.model.Run.Replay", "hudson.model.Run.Update", "hudson.model.View.Configure", "hudson.model.View.Create", "hudson.model.View.Delete", "hudson.model.View.Read", "hudson.scm.SCM.Tag", "jenkins.metrics.api.Metrics.HealthCheck", "jenkins.metrics.api.Metrics.ThreadDump", "jenkins.metrics.api.Metrics.View", "nectar.plugins.rbac.groups.Group.Configure", "nectar.plugins.rbac.groups.Group.Create", "nectar.plugins.rbac.groups.Group.Delete", "nectar.plugins.rbac.groups.Group.Manage", "nectar.plugins.rbac.groups.Group.View", "nectar.plugins.rbac.roles.Role.Filter", "nectar.plugins.rbac.roles.Role.View" ], "id": "administer", "id": "administer" }, { "filterable": false, "grantedPermissions": [], "id": "anonymous", "id": "anonymous" }, { "filterable": true, "grantedPermissions": [ "com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.model.ClientMaster.Configure", "com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.model.ClientMaster.Lifecycle", "com.cloudbees.opscenter.server.model.SharedCloud.Configure", "hudson.model.Hudson.Read", "hudson.model.Item.Build", "hudson.model.Item.Cancel", "hudson.model.Item.Configure", "hudson.model.Item.Create", "hudson.model.Item.Delete", "hudson.model.Item.Discover", "hudson.model.Item.Move", "hudson.model.Item.Promote", "hudson.model.Item.Read", "hudson.model.Item.Request", "hudson.model.Item.Workspace", "hudson.model.Run.Delete", "hudson.model.Run.Replay", "hudson.model.Run.Update", "hudson.model.View.Configure", "hudson.model.View.Create", "hudson.model.View.Delete", "hudson.model.View.Read", "hudson.scm.SCM.Tag" ], "id": "develop", "id": "develop" }, { "filterable": true, "grantedPermissions": [ "hudson.model.Hudson.Read", "hudson.model.Item.Discover", "hudson.model.Item.Read", "hudson.model.View.Read" ], "id": "browse", "id": "browse" } ] }
The members attribute has been deprecated. Use either the users or groups attribute instead.
Response examples are formatted for better readability.

Response model

Table 9. Groups response model
Element Type Description


array of objects

List of all groups in the container.



Group name.



Description of the group (raw string - no spaces).



List of roles assigned to this group.



List of all group assignments including inherited ones. Each role assignment has a role field with role IDs.



List of users in a group.


The members attribute has been deprecated. Use either the users or groups attribute instead.


List of group members (user IDs, inner groups, etc).

Table 10. Roles response model
Element Type Description


array of objects

List of available roles.



Description of the group (raw string - no spaces).



Role identifier.



Role description.



URL of the role’s page.



Assigned permissions (including local and provisioned ones). All items contain the id field with the permission unique identifier and enabled field, which indicates that the permission can be assigned.



Indicates that the role is filterable.

Status and error codes

Table 11. Status and error codes
Code Description




Not authorized. Missing required permissions.


The provided group, role, endpoint, or method cannot be found.


Server error.