Your web browser is not displaying certain page as expected
Your web browser is showing a blank page when navigating in the web interface
Required Data for Rendering Problems or Loading Issues
This article describes how to collect the minimum required information for Rendering Problems or Loading Issues.
If the required data is bigger than 50 MB you will not be able to use ZenDesk to upload all the information. In this case we would like to encourage you to use our upload service in order to attach all the required information.
There’s no straightforward resolution for this kind of problems. First step is to try to use a more recent web browser. If it doesn’t help, you should open a support ticket.
In order to help CloudBees to understand what’s happening on your instance, you should collect some data. Please use either Chrome or Firefox to run this procedure, these browsers include the required tools to help us.
Take a screenshot of the web browser window, including its URL field
Record the HTTP session and Javascript console content of your Web browser
HAR files contain all browser requests and responses, including HTTP headers, cookies, etc, hence HAR files can contain sensitive information. Review and sanitize the content of the HAR file before sending it to CloudBees, such as removing session-related cookies (*sessionid ), passwords and tokens.
Open the Developer Tools by pressing F12
Click on the Network tab
Ensure recording is enabled (round button at the top left of the Network tab should be red)
Activate Preserve log checkbox
Click the Clean button (second button at the top left of the Network tab)
Access the failing page or reload it by pressing F5
Save the capture by right-clicking on the grid and choosing "Save as HAR with Content"
Sanitize the HAR file as per the above warning
Click on the Console tab
Take a screenshot of the browser window
Click the Clear and check "Persist Logs"
Access the failing page
Save the capture by using "Save All As HAR" from context menu of the network request list
Sanitize the HAR file as per the above warning
Click on the Console tab
Take a screenshot of the browser window
Internet Explorer
In the case Chrome or Firefox is not an option.
IE 9
Follow the steps as covered in IE9 Developer Tools: Network Tab to save an XML file and sanitize the HAR file as per the above warning, then provide it to us.
IE 11
Follow the steps as covered in Analyzing your webpage’s network traffic, and use Export captured traffic, then sanitize the HAR file as per the above warning.
Appendix: HAR file
HAR file stands for HTTP ARchive and is produced by HTTP tracking tools. It contains a log of HTTP client/server conversation and is very useful for an additional / off-line analysis. Additional details on HAR sanitation can be found in this blog post from Cloudflare.