What do the different ticket statuses mean?

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At https://support.cloudbees.com, you may see different statuses for tickets. This article explains what each status means.


The following table lists the different ticket statuses and their meanings:

Ticket Status Description


A newly created ticket, or if a customer responds to a ticket that is in the "Awaiting your reply" status, it will be moved to this status.

Open:Call in Progress

There is a screen share meeting currently happening for this ticket.


We are currently investigating the issue.

Awaiting your reply

We are waiting for you to respond with the requested details, or to confirm that the issue is resolved after following our recommendations

On-hold:Working with Engineering

We are collaborating with our engineering team to debug the issue

On-hold:Customer Requested

The ticket was requested to be put on hold until a specific date, after that date we will follow up with you (we limit this to 1 week on hold)

On-hold:Planned Upgrade

The ticket is on hold until the planned upgrade (we limit this to 1 week on hold)

On-hold:Software Release

The resolution of the ticket is dependent on a future software release.

On-hold:Call Planned

The ticket is on hold until the meeting which is already scheduled to happen.


We believe the issue has been fully resolved, but can be reopened by replying at any time if you have follow up questions.

Solved:Feature Request Filed

A feature request has been filed for this issue

Solved:Customer Inactivity

We checked in 3 business days after our latest response, then after 8 business days of no replies on the ticket, it’s moved into this state. It can be reopened by replying at any time, if you have follow up questions.