RELEASED: Public: 2021-04-07
Resolved issues
- Disabled permissions cause the role creation to fail (BEE-726)
The roles creation process and the instance startup fail if the rbac.yaml file contains disabled permissions.
Disabled permissions already created in the instance are not removed/synchronized during the rbac.yaml file process.
- RBAC cannot be configured if controllers are managed by the operations center (BEE-632)
The controller quickly fails if RBAC is managed by the operations center and the configuration bundle contains the rbac.yaml file. This is an incorrect configuration and should not be used.
- A role cannot be filtered using Configuration as Code (BEE-223)
Roles can be now filtered on folders as part of the items.yaml file.
- Folder configuration should support display name in Configuration Bundle (BEE-224)
When using Configuration as Code with Folders, the displayName property of the folder is now exported and imported as expected.