CloudBees CasC API Plugin 1.3

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: 2021-06-02

New features


Feature enhancements

Multiple files per section within a Configuration as Code (CasC) bundle (BEE-391)

CasC bundles now support storing configuration settings within subfolders for: jcasc, items, rbac, and plugins. The plugin catalog does not support more than one file.

  • Jenkins Configuration as Code (JCasC) files are processed by folder, as described in the Jenkins Configuration as Code plugin documentation.

  • All plugins included within individual plugin files are installed.

  • Existing global groups and roles are replaced by groups and roles in the files.

  • Files are processed by adding groups and roles, but never removing groups or roles.

  • Items files are processed one-by-one using the same criteria as before.

Resolved issues


Known issues


Upgrade notes
