RELEASED: Public: 2018-05-31
New features
CloudBees Internal Ticket: JARVIS-404
This adds a new warning banner to the plugin if there are issues with bundle uploads listing the exact problem.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: JARVIS-321
Enabled a wider number of customers who were dependent on older versions of CJE to use the CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise service.
Resolved issues
CloudBees Internal Ticket: JARVIS-86
Cleaned up some confusing wording in the plugin description.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: JARVIS-445
Modified our administrative monitors to use the new design where applicable.
Known issues
JARVIS-598 - After configuring Advisor the user is getting stuck
If after saving the Advisor configuration you reach a
url with a message"Cannot find success page to redirect to. Please use your browser back button."
you can just discard it and use your browser back button to come back to your instance (The configuration was correctly saved).