RELEASED: Public: 2015-01-15
New features
CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-2053
Display template links in sidebar, which works also for templatized folders and workflows.
Resolved issues
CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-2713
Rethrow any exception as a Failure, so it gets printed without stack trace even when the Stack Trace Suppression plugin is active.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-1496
Unchecked exceptions were not getting caught by EntityModel.reconfigureInstances and logged properly.
CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-2774
EntityInstance.from may be temporarily null during
When reloading promotions, be sure to load settings from disk.
Catch even runtime exceptions when resaving children of a folder template. Also set a proper thread name so we can see in thread dumps what is going on.
Serialize instances using a sorted list of attributes.
No need to use temporary files during; these would get left behind after errors anyway.
Making some code more robust in the face of malformed data.
Known issues
CloudBees Internal Ticket: RM-1496
Exceptions from template transformers are still not displayed in an appropriate place in the UI. The improvement in this release is merely to make sure they are sent to a logger Jenkins can record, so that an administrator could find them.
EntityInstance.produce methods removed from the API.