The Maven Integration plugin was removed from the CloudBees Assurance Program (CAP) and replaced by the Pipeline Maven Integration plugin that is now part of CAP (as of version 2.414.3.7). CloudBees no longer supports existing Maven Integration plugin jobs, so they have to be migrated to Pipeline Maven Integration plugin jobs.
The recommended solution is to install the CloudBees Maven Migration Assistant plugin.
This plugin converts the Maven job (Jenkins plugin for building Maven 2/3 jobs) to a declarative Pipeline using Maven (for example, the Pipeline Maven plugin).
After the plugin is installed, a link for the conversion is added to every Maven Job project called To Declarative
To perform a bulk migration of Maven jobs, there is a script here:
This script can do the following:
Migrate all jobs of a Jenkins instance (the default is no parameters)
Migrate jobs in a folder using the folder name (set variable 'folderName' with the folder name)
Migrate jobs that filter on the Wildcard job name (set the variable 'jobWildcard' with the required job name Wildcard)
Migrate jobs in a folder using the folder name and filter job of this folder using a wildcard (set variables 'folderName' and 'jobWildcard')
Additional details are documented in the script.