This example goes over the process of setting up a basic environment with 1 commander server, 1 gateway (2 gateway agents), 2 zones, and 1 agent in a different zone than the server.
The installation steps are split up into 4 parts: Commander server installation, gateway agent installation 1, gateway agent installation 2, and regular agent installation. The diagram below shows the order of the installation steps.
These instructions cover the basic steps necessary to set up gateways and zones. You can modify and expand on the steps in this example for your own system.

Commander server installation
External IP:
Internal IP:
Internal Hostname: ip-10-0-0-1.ec2.internal
Zone: Default
Ports: 8000, 8443 (Server); 6800, 7800 (Agent)
Create user and group on the commander server’s machine
sudo addgroup agentlocalgroup sudo adduser agentlocaluser --ingroup agentlocalgroup
Run the installer
sudo /home/ubuntu/installers/ElectricFlow- \ --mode silent \ --installAgent \ --installServer \ --installDatabase \ --installWeb \ --installRepository \ --unixAgentGroup agentlocalgroup \ --unixAgentUser agentlocaluser \ --unixServerGroup ubuntu \ --unixServerUser ubuntu
Local agent on server needs to be trusted if you plan on using trusted agents
/opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/bin/ectool --server login admin changeme /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/bin/eccert --debug --server --securePort 8443 initAgent --remote --force
Now from the Cloud > Resources page in Commander UI make the local agent trusted ( i.e set the "Connection Type" to "Trusted HTTPS" ) and restart the agent service.
Make sure the local agent is pingable from Cloud >Resources Page
Create zone zone1:
/opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/bin/ectool --timeout 300 login admin changeme /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/bin/ectool createZone \ zone1 \ --description "zone1"
Gateway Agent 1 installation
External IP:
Internal IP:
Internal Hostname: ip-10-0-0-2.ec2.internal
Zone: Default
Ports: 6800, 7800
Create user and group on the agent’s machine
sudo addgroup agentp1group sudo adduser agentp1user --ingroup agentp1group
Run the installer
sudo /home/ubuntu/installers/ElectricFlow- \ --mode silent \ --installAgent \ --remoteServerCreateResource \ --trustedAgent \ --remoteServer \ --remoteServerUser admin \ --remoteServerPassword changeme \ --remoteServerResource agentp1-gw-01 \ --unixAgentGroup agentp1group \ --unixAgentUser agentp1user \ --agentLocalPort 6800 \ --agentPort 7800 \ --serverHttpPort 8000 \ --serverHttpsPort 8443 \ --zoneName default
Make sure the agent agentp1-gw-01 is pingable from Cloud > Resources Page
Gateway Agent 2 installation
External IP:
Internal IP:
Internal Hostname: ip-10-0-0-3.ec2.internal
Zone: Zone 1
Ports: 6800, 7800
Create user and group on the agent’s machine
sudo addgroup agentp2group sudo adduser agentp2user --ingroup agentp2group
Run the installer
sudo /home/ubuntu/installers/ElectricFlow- \ --mode silent \ --installAgent \ --remoteServerCreateResource \ --trustedAgent \ --remoteServer ip-10-0-0-1.ec2.internal \ --remoteServerUser admin \ --remoteServerPassword changeme \ --parallelInstallName agentp2-gw-01 \ --remoteServerResource agentp2-gw-01 \ --agentLocalPort 6800 \ --agentPort 7800 \ --agentGatewayURL https://ip-10-0-0-2.ec2.internal:7800 \ --zoneName zone1 \ --unixAgentGroup agentp2group \ --unixAgentUser agentp2user
Create the gateway on the CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow) server:
/opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/bin/ectool createGateway \ Default_to_zone1_gateway \ --description "Gateway linking Default zone with zone1 zone" \ --resourceName1 "agentp1-gw-01" \ --hostName1 "ip-10-0-0-2.ec2.internal" \ --resourceName2 "agentp2-gw-01" \ --hostName2 "ip-10-0-0-3.ec2.internal"
Make sure the agent agentp2-gw-01 is pingable from Cloud > Resources Page
Regular Agent installation
External IP:
Internal IP:
Zone: Zone 1
Ports: 6800, 7800
Create user and group on the agent’s machine
sudo addgroup agentp4group sudo adduser agentp4user --ingroup agentp4group
Run the installer
sudo /home/ubuntu/installers/ElectricFlow- \ --mode silent \ --installAgent \ --remoteServerCreateResource \ --remoteServer ip-10-0-0-1.ec2.internal \ --remoteServerUser admin \ --remoteServerPassword changeme \ --parallelInstallName agentp4_in_zone1 \ --remoteServerResource agentp4_in_zone1 \ --agentLocalPort 6800 \ --agentPort 7800 \ --agentGatewayURL https://ip-10-0-0-3.ec2.internal:7800 \ --zoneName zone1 \ --unixAgentGroup agentp4group \ --unixAgentUser agentp4user
Make sure the agent agentp4_in_zone1 is pingable from Cloud > Resources Page