KBEC-00291 – What services should be restarted after config file changes

Article ID:360032828272
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What services should be restarted when changing CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow) config files?


The following list identifies which services to restart when making changes to the config files in each of the following directories:

  • Any change to files in
    /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/apache/conf/ requires a restart of the Flow web service(Apache).
    The Flow Apache is isolated from any other Apache on the machine, so no other Apache needs to be restarted.

  • Any change to files in
    /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/conf/ will require a restart of the Flow server.

  • Any changes to files in
    /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/conf/repository will require a restart of the repository service

  • Any changes to files in
    /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/conf/agent will require a restart of the agent service.
    If the changes are made to an agent machine, or the Flow server, the Agent service on that machine where the change was made will need to be restarted.