KBEC-00286 - Customizing the Look and Feel of CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow)

Article ID:360032828432
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I have multiple CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow) Servers, one for Development and one for production, but it is difficult to distinguish which one I am working on at any one time. Is there a way to customize the look and feel?


With the EC-Admin plugin it is easy to change the Banner color of your systems. The EC-Admin plugin was developed by Electric Cloud Professional Services engineers, and can be found on the CloudBees site, at: https://docs.cloudbees.com/plugins/cd/ec-admin

Among the many functions available in EC-Admin is the procedure changeBannerColor. This procedure will allow some customization of the background color on the banner. You have several color selections and can also add a text cue after the "electricCloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow)" in the upper left corner. Currently the options for the text are: Development, Test, SDK, and Production.

Go to the Adminstration/Plugins page, click on the EC-Admin plugin, and run the changeBannerColor procedure from there.

You will need to force a refresh (SHIFT-F5) on Windows so the cache gets refreshed for the banner to change colors.

This procedure can easily be modified for custom text if you so wish. Create your logo file, copy it onto your server, under the plugins/[plugin-name]/htdocs directory (for example /plugins/EC-Admin- You would then create a new select item on the "logo" parameter in the procedure that points to that new logo file you created.

If you have any questions, please contact the plugin creator (his contact information is available on github).