fxcop Matcher

Article ID:360032831332
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 push (@::gMatchers,
#Microsoft FxCopCmd v1.35.60623.0
#Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Microsoft Corp.  All rights reserved.
#Loading msdotnet.cafgui.FxCop...
   id =>        "fxcop-startup",
   pattern =>          q{Microsoft FxCopCmd (.*)},
   action =>           q{diagnostic("FxCopCmd: version $1", "info", 0, forwardTo(q{Loading (.*)\.\.\.}));},
# Loaded DesignRules.dll...
   id =>        "fxcop-loaded",
   pattern =>          q{Loaded (.*)\.\.\.},
   action =>           q{
 incValue("fxcop-loaded"); updateSummary();},
# Missing dependency
   id =>        "fxcop-missing-dependency",
   pattern =>          q{Missing dependency },
   action =>           q{incValue("fxcop-missing-dependency"); incValue("warnings"); updateSummary();},
# Assembly reference not resolved:
   id =>        "fxcop-unresolved-reference-counter",
   pattern =>          q{(Assembly reference not resolved:|Could not resolve.*:|Could not resolve reference to (.*)\.)},
   action =>           q{incValue("fxcop-unresolved-reference"); incValue("warnings"); updateSummary();},
# 14 exceptions occurred while loading AdminConsole.
#   00) Assembly reference not resolved: IronPython, Version=1.0.60816.1877, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35.
   id =>        "fxcop-load-exceptions",
   pattern =>          q{(\d+) exceptions occurred while loading (.*)\.},
   action =>           q{incValue("fxcop-exceptions", $1); incValue("warnings"); updateSummary();
    diagnostic("FxCopCmd: Exceptions occurred while loading $2", "warning", 0, forwardWhile(q{(\d+)\) }));},
# Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
#   at Microsoft.FxCop.Engines.Introspection.LoadVisitor.RecordCallSites(Method caller)
#   at Microsoft.FxCop.Engines.Introspection.LoadVisitor.VisitMember(Member member, TargetMember target)
   id =>        "fxcop-object-reference-not-set",
   pattern =>          q{Object reference not set to an instance of an object\.},
   action =>           q{incValue("fxcop-object-reference-not-set"); incValue("warnings");  updateSummary();
    diagnostic("FxCopCmd: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.", "warning", 0, forwardWhile(q{ at .*} ));},
# WARNING: the following missing references were detected.
# Analysis might be compromised. Use the '/directory' switch
# to specify additional assembly reference search paths.
# Not all assembly references could be resolved. Results might be compromised or incomplete.
# Missing dependency 'WindowsFormsIntegration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' could not be located. This module was referenced by: MSDotNet.CafGUI.6.0.dll
   id =>        "fxcop-assembly-reference-unresolved-summary",
   pattern =>          q{WARNING: the following missing references were detected\.},
   action =>           q{incValue("warnings"); updateSummary(); diagnostic("FxCopCmd: Missing references were detected", "warning", 0, forwardWhile(q{Missing dependency }, forwardTo(q{Missing dependency})));},
#Failed to add target : Z:\msdotnet-cafgui-8361\msdotnet\cafgui\6.0.0\install\common\assemblies\MSDotNet.CafGUI.6.0.dll.
#Could not locate Z:\msdotnet-cafgui-8361\msdotnet\cafgui\6.0.0\install\common\assemblies\MSDotNet.CafGUI.6.0.dll.
#   at Microsoft.FxCop.Common.TargetFile.Initialize()
#   at Microsoft.FxCop.Common.TargetFile..ctor(XmlNode xml, NodeBaseDictionary container)
#   at Microsoft.FxCop.Common.TargetFileDictionary.Load(XmlNode xml)
   id =>        "fxcop-failed-to-add-tgt",
   pattern =>          q{Failed to add target :},
   action =>           q{incValue("warnings"); updateSummary(); diagnostic("FxCopCmd: Failed to add target", "warning", 0, forwardWhile(q{   at }, forwardTo(q{   at })));},
#There were non-critical errors loading FxCop project:
#* Failed to add target : Z:\msdotnet-cafgui-8361\msdotnet\cafgui\6.0.0\install\common\assemblies\MSDotNet.CafGUI.6.0.dll.
#* Could not import all messages.
#* End of project load errors.
   id =>        "fxcop-project-load-errors",
   pattern =>          q{There were non-critical errors loading FxCop project:},
   action =>           q{incValue("warnings"); updateSummary(); diagnostic("FxCopCmd: Project Load Non-critical Errors", "warning", 0, forwardTo(q{\* End of project load errors\.}));},

#* Analysis was not performed; at least one valid rules assembly and one valid target file must be specified.
   id =>        "fxcop-analysis-notperformed",
   pattern =>          q{\* (Analysis was not performed); (.*)},
   action =>           q{incValue("errors"); updateSummary(); diagnostic($1, "error", 0, forwardTo(q{\.}));},
# * 52 total analysis engine exceptions.
   id =>        "fxcop-summary-analysis-exceptions",
   pattern =>          q{\* (\d+) total analysis engine exceptions\.},
   action =>           q{incValue("fxcop-summary-analysis-exceptions", $1); updateSummary();},
# * 4 total rule exceptions.
   id =>        "fxcop-summary-rule-exceptions",
   pattern =>          q{\* (\d+) total rule exceptions\.},
   action =>           q{incValue("fxcop-summary-rule-exceptions", $1); updateSummary();},
# Writing 917 messages...
   id =>        "fxcop-summary-messages",
   pattern =>          q{Writing (\d+) messages\.\.\.},
   action =>           q{incValue("fxcop-summary-messages", $1); updateSummary();},
# Writing report to Z:\msdotnet-cafgui-7944\FxCopReport.html...
   id =>        "fxcop-summary-html",
   pattern =>          q{Writing report to .*(FxCopReport\.html)\.\.\.},
   action =>           q{my $jobId = $ENV{COMMANDER_JOBID}; setProperty("/myJob/report-urls/$1", "jobReport.php?jobId=" . $jobId . "&report=" . $1);},