KBEC-00400 - The agent returned error 403 when trying to read the log file

Article ID:360033188151
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You can meet the error 403 from agent when you are trying to read the logs file from agent servers that communicate with Commander via Gateways. It usually happens when non trusted web server agent is trying to access logs from trusted agents.


To solve this issue you have to change your non trusted web server agent to trusted.

The following steps can help you to do this.

1) Log on your non-trusted web server agent using ectoolcommand

ectool--server login admin

2) Perform this command to make your agent trustable

eccert--server initAgent--force --remote

3) Restart the agent on your web server using these steps

  • Stop all Commander Agent services. You can do this using one of these options

For Windows:

Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services

Stop "ElectricCommander Agent"

From a command line, enter

sc stop CommanderAgent

For UNIX/Mac:

Using a shell, logged in as root, enter one of the following commands:

Linux - /etc/init.d/commanderAgent stop

Solaris - /etc/init.d/ecmdrAgent stop

HP-UX - /sbin/init.d/ecmdrAgent stop

Mac - launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/ecmdrAgent.plist

  • Start all Commander Agent services. You can do this using one of these options

For Windows:

Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services

Start "ElectricCommander Agent"

From a command line, enter

sc start CommanderAgent

For UNIX / Mac:

Using a shell, logged in as root, enter one of the following commands:

Linux - /etc/init.d/commanderAgent start

Solaris - /etc/init.d/ecmdrAgent start

HP-UX - /sbin/init.d/ecmdrAgent start"

Mac - launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/ecmdrAgent.plist