CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow) SymbianOS Series60 Standalone Matcher

Article ID:360033193931
3 minute readKnowledge base
push (@::gMatchers,
# Stage counter
   id =>        "stage-counter",
   pattern =>          q{=== Stage=(\d+) started},
   action =>           q{
 incValue("stages"); updateSummary();},
   id =>        "phase-counter",
   pattern =>          q{===       BUILDING (.*)},
   action =>           q{
 incValue("phases"); updateSummary(); diagnostic("phase: $1", "info", -1, 1);},
   id =>        "id-counter",
   pattern =>          q{--- .* Executed ID },
   action =>           q{
 incValue("id"); updateSummary();},
   id =>        "emake-build-counter",
   pattern =>          q{Starting build: (\d)},
   action =>           q{
 incValue("emake-builds"); updateSummary();},
# 1 file(s) copied.
   id =>        "file-copy-counter",
   pattern =>          q{(\d) file\(s\) copied\.},
   action =>           q{
 incValue("file-copies", $1); updateSummary();},

# make[3]: *** [\EPOC32\BUILD\src\cedar\generic\base\omap_samsung\variant\ESTARTFORS60\ARMV5\UDEB\estartForS60.o] Error 1
   id =>        "make-error",
   pattern =>          q{make.*: \*\*\* \[.*\] Error ([1234567890]+)},
   action =>           q{
 incValue("make-errors"); incValue("errors"); updateSummary(); diagnostic("make: Error $1", "error");},
# make: [EXPORT] Error 2 (ignored)
   id =>        "make-nontarget-non1-error",
   pattern =>          q{make.*: \[.*\] Error ([1234567890]*[234567890])},
   action =>           q{
 incValue("make-ignored-errors");updateSummary(); diagnostic("make: Error $1", "info");},
# WARNING EC1137: Unrecognized option 'Files' in EMAKEFLAGS.
   id =>        "emake-warning",
   pattern =>          q{WARNING EC(\d+):},
   action =>           q{
 incValue("emake-warnings"); incValue("warnings"); updateSummary(); diagnostic("emake: $1", "warning");},
#WARNING: Can't find following headers in User or System Include Paths
# "shared_gpio.h"
#(User Inc Paths "\src\cedar\generic\base\omap_samsung\assp\omap24xx\power\" "\src\cedar\generic\base\omap_samsung\VARIANT\power\")
#Dependency list for "\src\cedar\generic\base\omap_samsung\assp\omap24xx\power\silicon_resources.cpp" may be incomplete
   id =>        "makmake-headers-not-found",
   pattern =>          q{WARNING: Can't find following headers in },
   action =>           q{
 incValue("makmake-warnings"); incValue("warnings"); updateSummary(); diagnostic("makmake: Missing headers", "warning", 0, forwardTo(q{Dependency list for .* may be incomplete}));},
#"\src\cedar\generic\base\f32\srawfs\sr_rawfs.cpp", line 598: Warning:  #940-D: missing return statement at end of non-void function "CRawFsFormatCB::RawFSMount"
#  }
#  ^
   id =>        "armcc-warning",
   pattern =>          q{".*", line (\d+): Warning: (.*): },
   action =>           q{
 incValue("warnings"); incValue("armcc-warnings"); updateSummary(); diagnostic("ARMCC: $2", "warning", 0, forwardTo(q{[ ]*\^$}));},
#"\src\cedar\generic\base\omap_samsung\variant\estart\estartfors60.cpp", line 21: Error:  #5: cannot open source input file "LDSYMessageIDs.h": No such file or directory
#  #include
#                             ^
   id =>        "armcc-error",
   pattern =>          q{".*", line (\d+): Error: (.*): },
   action =>           q{
 incValue("errors"); incValue("armcc-errors"); updateSummary(); diagnostic("ARMCC: $2", "error", 0, forwardTo(q{[ ]*\^$}));},
#Warning: there are 8 Unicode preferred character codes specified for which there are no conflicts to resolve
   id =>        "cnvtool-unicode-preferred",
   pattern =>          q{Warning: there are 8 Unicode preferred character codes specified for which there are no conflicts to resolve},
   action =>           q{
 incValue("cnvtool-warnings"); incValue("warnings"); updateSummary(); diagnostic("cnvtool: Unicode warning", "warning");},
#Warning: the specified start of the Unicode range 0x00a2-0xffe5 could actually be 0x00a7
   id =>        "cnvtool-unicode-start-range",
   pattern =>          q{Warning: the specified start of the Unicode range},
   action =>           q{
 incValue("cnvtool-warnings"); incValue("warnings"); updateSummary(); diagnostic("cnvtool: Unicode warning", "warning");},

$::gMatcherGroups{'arm'} = ["armcc-error", "armcc-warning"];
$::gMatcherGroups{'SymbianOS-tools-warnings'} = ["armcc-warning", "cnvtool-unicode-preferred", "cnvtool-unicode-start-range", "makmake-headers-not-found"];
$::gMatcherGroups{'SymbianOS-tools-errors'} = ["armcc-error"];
$::gMatcherGroups{'SymbianOS'} = ["stage-counter", "phase-counter", "id-counter", "emake-build-counter", "emake-warning", "file-copy-counter", "make-error", "make-nontarget-non1-error"];

sub updateSummary() {
 my $emakebuildsString = (defined $::gProperties{"emake-builds"}) ? " (" . $::gProperties{"emake-builds"} . " with emake) " : "";
 my $errorsString = (defined $::gProperties{"errors"}) ? $::gProperties{"errors"} . " total errors\n" : "";
 my $armccErrorsString = (defined $::gProperties{"armcc-errors"}) ? $::gProperties{"armcc-errors"} . " armcc errors\n" : "";
 my $makeErrorsString = (defined $::gProperties{"make-errors"}) ? $::gProperties{"make-errors"} . " errors reported by make\n" : "";
 my $makeIgnoredErrorsString = (defined $::gProperties{"make-ignored-errors"}) ? $::gProperties{"make-ignored-errors"} . " ignored errors reported by make\n" : "";
 my $warningsString = (defined $::gProperties{"warnings"}) ? $::gProperties{"warnings"} . " total warnings\n" : "";
 my $armccWarningsString = (defined $::gProperties{"armcc-warnings"}) ? $::gProperties{"armcc-warnings"} . " armcc warnings\n" : "";
 my $makmakeWarningsString = (defined $::gProperties{"makmake-warnings"}) ? $::gProperties{"makmake-warnings"} . " makmake warnings\n" : "";
 my $phasesString = (defined $::gProperties{"phases"}) ? "Built " . $::gProperties{"phases"} . " phases" . $emakebuildsString . "\n" : "";
 my $stagesString = (defined $::gProperties{"stages"}) ? "Processed " . $::gProperties{"stages"} . " stages\n" : "";
 my $idString = (defined $::gProperties{"id"}) ? "Executed " . $::gProperties{"id"} . " ids\n" : "";
 my $filecopiesString = (defined $::gProperties{"file-copies"}) ? $::gProperties{"file-copies"} . " files copied\n" : "";

 setProperty ("summary", $errorsString . $armccErrorsString . $makeErrorsString . $makeIgnoredErrorsString . $warningsString . $armccWarningsString . $phasesString . $stagesString . $idString . $filecopiesString);