KBEC-00434 - Find the CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow) history for a procedure

Article ID:360035606211
1 minute readKnowledge base


I would like to use the CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow) Perl API to look up the history for a procedure of a job.


You can create a script that will query for all runs of a project (called test2 in the below script), for a specific procedure of that project (called testProcedure in the below script):

use ElectricCommander;
my $ec = ElectricCommander->new({
 server      =>  "localhost",

# TODO update username and password

# TODO update "test2" and "testProcedure"
my $result = $ec->findObjects({
  objectType => 'job',
  filter => {
    operator => "and",
    filter => [{
      propertyName => 'projectName',
      operator => "equals",
      operand1 => "test2"
      propertyName => 'procedureName',
      operator => "equals",
      operand1 => "testProcedure"
print $result->findnodes_as_string("/"). "\n";

This script is using the API command called findObjects

When you save the above script as a file, such as jobProcedureHistory.pl and then run this perl script using the command:

ec-perl jobProcedureHistory.pl

You will see output similar to below, showing the history:

<responses version="2.3" dispatchId="2612" nodeId="">
  <response requestId="2" nodeId="">

Tested product version