KBEC-00510 - How to resolve local agent workspace issues when upgrading to CD 10.3.0

Article ID:4409209727771
1 minute readKnowledge base


After upgrading to CloudBees CD 10.3.0, jobs executed in the CloudBees CD Server local workspace fails with error mesage:

Step error [AgentFailedCreateWorkspace]: unable to run the command on the agent
The agent was unable to create the workspace directory: Error in mkdir(/opt/cloudbees/sda/workspace/job_xxxx_20211004140153): Permission denied

This issue can also appear with jobs executed in the CloudBees CD Server local workspace appearing as waiting for workspace indefinitely.

The workspace directory is owned by the user specified for CD Server Service and its group. Workspace permissions has been changed from 777 (rwxrwxrwx) to 755 (rwxr-xr-x). In cases when the CD Agent service is executed by a different user than the CD Server user, the CD Agent service is not allowed to write in the workspace folder after upgrading.



In case you suffer this issue, please revert back the workspace permission to 777, in order to allow the CD Agent user to write in the workspace folder.