diff annotation tag

1 minute readReference


Description of a single difference that contributed to a jobcache miss in the containing job.



If non-zero, indicates that the difference was ignored for purposes of determining whether the job had a cache hit, due to command-line options like --emake-parse-avoidance-ignore-path.


Name of the file involved in the difference.


Status of the file in the current build. One of:

  • absent: the file does not exist.

  • present: the file does exist.

  • linked:name: the file now has two names (hard links), but originally those names referred to different files.

  • separate: the name is now a distinct file, but originally was one of two or more aliases for a single file.

  • md5:checksum: the checksum of the file has changed; the current checksum is given in the value of this attribute.


Status of the file when the cache slot was created. One of:

  • absent: the file did not exist.

  • present: the file did exist.

  • linked:name: the file originally had two names (hard links), but now those names refer to different files; the alias is given in the value of this attribute.

  • separate: originally two names were different files, but now are hard links to the same file.

  • md5:checksum: the checksum of the file has changed; the original checksum is given in the value of this attribute.

