
1 minute readReference


WARNING EC1219: Not an operations file: '[path]'


While trying to use the content of a jobcache slot, emake found that the content was malformed. In particular, the operations file, which contains the record of files read and written by the job, appeared to be invalid. The specific offending file is named by "[path]" in the message. If this message appears it indicates that emake will not use the jobcache for the job that tried to access the invalid slot; instead, emake will run that job as if the jobcache feature had not been enabled at all. Other jobs will use the jobcache feature as normal.


The jobcache operations file named by "[path]" in the message has been corrupted somehow. It may have been truncated, overwritten, or incompletely stored to disk due to a wide variety of environmental or operation system errors.


If the path named in the message is in emake’s private asset directory, then typically no fix is required: emake will automatically recreate the jobcache slot, replacing the corrupted files with new, valid data. If the path named in the message is in a shared asset directory, the user may need to delete the file and the directory containing it to purge the corrupted data.

Alternatively, since this message is only a warning, the user may elect to take no action at all and simply ignore the message.