Product Description
CloudBees Build Acceleration Insight™ is a reporting and visualization tool for CloudBees Build Acceleration™. CloudBees Build Acceleration Insight (”Insight”) reads an annotation file produced by Electric Make™ (”eMake”), to provide a graphical representation of the build structure for performance analysis. Insight provides detailed information and reports for each job on each host in the build cluster. Insight shows how a build is structured and run, which lets you find performance problems or conflicts in a parallel build.
You can use Insight for at-a-glance diagnostics by examining which jobs are being performed, when they are being performed, and the files that are associated with them. You can also use Insight to help identify makefile problems and compare certain differences between an annotation file and a file from a similar build to help solve performance, job cache misses, and other issues. Insight is a simpler alternative to examining the file itself to find errors and tune performance.
What’s New or Modified
New Features and Functionality
New Accelerator Release Strategy
Starting in August 2019, the release strategy for CloudBees Accelerator is updated to add a “preview” release in addition to the standard long-term support (LTS) and maintenance (patch) releases. This new strategy applies to Insight, which is bundled with CloudBees Accelerator.
The release numbering for the preview releases uses a new <year> . <month> .00 numbering scheme. For example, 2019.09.00.
CloudBees recommends that you upgrade to the preview release and test these features in a controlled environment before rolling them out to production. |
For details about the new release strategy, see the CloudBees maintenance lifecycle policies web page.
Command-Line-Enabled Root Conflicts Report
You can now run the Root Conflicts report from the command line. Just as with the GUI version of this report, the command-line-enabled version displays the conflicts that are not caused by an earlier conflict as well as the conflicts caused by earlier conflicts (such as jobs that are in conflict with jobs that are rerun jobs). For instructions, see the Command-Line Enabled Reports” section in the “CloudBees Accelerator Insight Reports. (EI-798 and EI-772)
The CloudBees Accelerator Insight User Guide is available online. To view the user guide, choose Help > User Guide in the Insight application or read it online along with the rest of the CloudBees Accelerator documentation on the CloudBees Accelerator product documentation page.
These documents are updated periodically.