Sometimes it is desirable to install multiple CloudBees CD agents on the same machine. Example scenarios include:
Each CloudBees CD agent can be installed to run as different users in an environment where security/password management concerns preclude the use of user impersonation.
Procedures for development or testing CloudBees CD may be using an agent to install CloudBees CD.
Install a new version of the agent for testing while running production under a previous agent.
CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow) agents in all versions.
== Resolution
The best way to run multiple agents is to do multiple silent CloudBees CD installs.
For the silent install to work, each of the following fields must be unique.
To install the additional agent on the same host:
./CloudBeesFlow-x64-xx.xx.xx \\ --mode silent \\ --parallelInstallName newServicePrefix\\ --installAgent \\ --installDirectory destinationFolder \\ --dataDirectory destinationFolder \\ --agentPort xxx \\ --agentLocalPort xxx \\ --unixAgentUser user_name \\ (In case of Windows, please use --windowsAgentUser) --unixAgentGroup group_name \\ (In case of Windows don´t use this parameter)∫
For example
./CloudBeesFlow-x64-xx.xx.xx- --mode silent --installAgent --installDirectory /opt/cloudbees/sda_agent2 --dataDirectory /opt/cloudbees/sda_agent2 --remoteServer yourCDServerHostname_IP --remoteServerUser admin --remoteServerPassword adminPasswd --unixAgentUser user_name \\ (In case of Windows, please use --windowsAgentUser) --unixAgentGroup group_name \\ (In case of Windows don´t use this parameter) --parallelInstallName agent2 --agentLocalPort 6801 --agentPort 7801
After the silent install add the Resource to the CloudBees CD server specifying the new agent port.
For more information about the arguments, please visit Silent Install Arguments