During the ElectricCommander install, you can use "localhost" or a fully qualified domain name for the name of the Commander host.
If localhost was used during install, the machine hostname can be changed without requiring Commander configuration changes.
If a fully qualified domain name was used during install, the following operations will require Commander configuration changes.
System names are moved from network to network, and often the Commander Server hostname changes. Use this procedure to get Commander running under the new name. Note: During installation, if the hostname was "localhost", these steps are not necessary.
On a Commander web server:
Open the file apache/conf/httpd.conf
Find "ServerName" and change the name to the new hostname.
Generate a new Apache certificate - see the ElectricCommander Installation and Configuration Guide Chapter 2 for more information.
Restart Apache
On the Commander server:
Open the file /apache/htdocs/commander/config.php
and change the name to the new hostname. -
Restart Commander
If the IP number of the host changed, use the Commander GUI to check the Administration > Server > Settings IpAddress property value and change it if necessary.