Q: Current examples of email notifiers do not include the job’s elapsed time. Is it available?
A: Yes, it can be accessed as myJob.elapsedTime.
Q: But it is in milliseconds. How can I display it in a human-readable format?
A1: Find a reasonable date conversion function on the Internet.
A2: There is an example of such a function.
The following code snippet could cover this use case. This snippet can be found as part of the definition for the notifierTemplate property inside the procedure.
$[/javascript... function quantify (number, noun) { if (number == 1) { // Singular form, no need to add an "s". return number + " " + noun; } return number + " " + noun + "s"; } var seconds = Math.floor (myJob.elapsedTime / 1000); var minutes = Math.floor (seconds / 60); seconds %= 60; var elapsedString = quantify(seconds, "second"); if (minutes > 0) { var hours = Math.floor(minutes/60); minutes %= 60; elapsedString = quantify(minutes, "minute") + ", " + elapsedString; if (hours > 0) { elapsedString = quantify(hours, "hour") + ", " + elapsedString; } }...]