After running an import from an older version, your DB may will been updated to match the new schema, but plugins will have been loaded from the older version. In order to get your plugins to be in synch with the latest set, follow the steps provided here.
1.Login to CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow) server:
ectool --server localhost login admin changeme
In linux:
export COMMANDER_INSTALL_BIN=/opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/bin
In Windows:
First get the short name path to your BIN directory using the following steps:
A) cd to the directory containing the BIN folder "C:\Program Files\Electric Cloud\ElectricCommander\bin"
B) Run the following command on the command line: for %I in (.) do echo %~sI
This will then provide you the correct short-form of the path that you want to be using for the instructions that follow, something like this:
set COMMANDER_INSTALL_BIN=C:\Progra~1\Electr~1\ElectricCommander\bin
Copy /server/setup/ to /perl/lib
For me the /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/ is both the DATA_DIR and INSTALL_DIR |
For example:
In linux:
cp /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/server/setup/ /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/perl/lib
In Windows:
(Use same technique as above to get short-form path)
copy "C:\ProgramData\Electric Cloud\ElectricCommander\server\setup\" C:\Progra~1\Electr~1\ElectricCommander\perl\lib
cd /bin
For example:
In Linux:
cd /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/bin
In windows:
Use the ec-perl to run to delete+ install and promote plugins.
In Linux:
ec-perl /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/server/setup/
In Windows :
ec-perl "C:\ProgramData\Electric Cloud\ElectricCommander\server\setup\"
Remove the copied /perl/lib/
In Linux:
rm /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander/perl/lib/
In Windows:
(Use same technique as above to get short-form path)
del C:\Progra~1\Electr~1\ElectricCommander\perl\lib\