This article will describe how you can create a WebLogic configuration through the command line using ectool or ec-perl.
The bolded lines are required fields. All other lines can be left out if you wish to keep the default settings for those parameters.
ectool runProcedure EC-WebLogic- \ --procedureName CreateConfiguration --actualParameter \ "config=config_name" \ "debug_level=1" \ "weblogic_url=url-name" \ "enable_named_sessions=0" \ "java_home=HOME" \ "java_vendor=VENDOR" \ "mw_home=HOME2" \ "credential=cred1" \ --credential "cred1=username"
If you plan on using credentials, this process is not fully automated because you must enter the password after running this command. A workaround to make this command fully automated would be to store the password in a file and pass it in: |
ectool runProcedure EC-WebLogic- \ --procedureName CreateConfiguration --actualParameter \ "config=config_name" \ "debug_level=1" \ "weblogic_url=url-name" \ "enable_named_sessions=0" \ "java_home=HOME" \ "java_vendor=VENDOR" \ "mw_home=HOME2" \ "credential=cred1" \ --credential "cred1=username" < password.txt
Create a new file
Copy and paste the below script into the file
Run the following command:
with this content
use ElectricCommander; my $cmdr = ElectricCommander->new(); $cmdr->runProcedure("EC-WebLogic-", {procedureName => "CreateConfiguration", actualParameter => [ {actualParameterName => "config", value => "config_name"}, {actualParameterName => "debug_level", value => "1"}, {actualParameterName => "weblogic_url", value => "url-name"}, {actualParameterName => "credential", value => "cred1"} ], credential => [ { credentialName => "cred1", userName => "admin", password => "changeme" } ] });