To show the number of deployments grouped by month, we will need a deployment report as a pre-requisite. The report should contain the statistics we are looking for, e.g. deployments by month.
You can use the built-in report titled DeploymentsFrequency as a basis and change the interval and format to the following: |
"interval": "month", "format": "yyyy-MMM",
The report will look like this:

With the report ready to use, we can start creating a gadget:
Go to DevOps Insight Dashboard
Go to Dashboard Editor
Create a new gadget and provide a name, e.g. deployment by month.
Click "Define", fill out the widget name and title.
Under the "Definition" tab, choose the report mentioned above.
Under Visualization, choose Vertical Bar Chart or Horizontal Bar Chart.
Example chart settings:
X-Axis: Deployment_date (as yyyy-MMM)
Display X-Axis as: String
X-Axis Lable: Deployment_date (as yyyy-MMM)
Y-Axis: Deployment_date Count
Display Y-Axis as: Number

Click OK and your gadget is ready!