This page presents some common questions around use of named-user licenses with CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow)
1) At what time do users get allocated a CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow) named user license?
Essentially, any user will be considered to be registered inside the CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow) system after:
A)The account is a local account created for CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow) directly, separate from AD/LDAP
B)The user has logged into the CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow) system directly with authentication from their AD/LDAP system
C)The user approves a pipeline task or gate
D)The administrator finds the user in the Administration/Users page and clicks on the “Register” button
For some customers, AD/LDAP services may contain 1000’s of users. While the associated usernames and groups are loaded into the CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow) system at start time, these users are not defined to be “active users” of the CloudBees CD (CloudBees Flow) system until some action has been taken. |
2) What happens when we have used up all our named user licenses?
Adding the last user to match your license count won’t be any different than adding any of the previous users. However, once this limit is reached, then any attempt by some new user to login will result in an error message being presented to them that will encourage them to speak with the system Administrator.
Similarly, if this user is trying to approve a pipeline task or gate, their request will not go forward.
3) How can I get a new user access if the list of users is fully allocated?
The most common approach would be to retire (delete) some existing user account to free up a slot so that the user who has been blocked can be allocated a license. If your license count is small, removing someone may not be a feasible option. In that situation, your administrator will need to contact your sales/account team to look at adding more users to your license.
Processing of the paperwork for such a change may take a few days, so you or your account team may want to consider filing a Support ticket to request a temporary license file for an agreed temporary timeframe.
Removing an existing user is straight-forward. The Admin user simply needs to go to the Users page, search for the specific user they want to remove, and click on the garbage-can icon to deactivate that user from having a registered license allocation.
4) How can I identify which users have not been recently active?
Go to the Administration-Users tab and look for the list of all users, then click on the “Last Login Time” column to sort and find the list of users who have either not logged in (no time presented) or are the oldest date shown.
Another option would be to use the Search tab to look for users who have not logged in before a particular date, or to look for users where the “Last Login Time” value “is not set”.