Security fixes


New features


Feature enhancements


Resolved issues

Change the default websocket idle timeout to a default value higher than the default ping interval value (BEE-30832)

Changed the default websocket idle timeout to a default value that is higher than the default ping interval value.

Known issues

Prevalidating an invalid YAML does not update check results (BEE-32504)

The prevalidation process does not complete when a bundle with an malformed yaml file is submitted. The errors are not reflected in GitHub.

Duplicate Pipeline Template Catalogs in the Configuration as Code jenkins.yaml file on each instance restart (BEE-12722)

If a Pipeline Template Catalog is configured in the CasC jenkins.yaml file and the id property is not defined, the catalog is duplicated on each instance restart and in the exported CasC configuration.

Upgrade notes

Kubernetes-client upgrade to 6.x (BEE-30724)

The fabric8 Kubernetes-client has been upgraded from 6.3.1 to 6.4.1.

Promoted Builds integration removed from the Operations Center Context plugin (BEE-31064)::

The Promoted Builds plugin was removed from the CloudBees Assurance Program (CAP). It was previously integrated with the Operations Center Context plugin.