Plugin modifications

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Amazon EC2 plugin from 1648.vf3d852e00486 to 1688.v8c07e01d657f

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Authentication Tokens API Plugin from 1.53.v1c90fd9191a_b_ to 1.113.v81215a_241826

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Blue Ocean Core JS Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded bouncycastle API Plugin from to

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Amazon AWS CLI Plugin from 1.5.21 to 1.257

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Backup Plugin from 3.38.74 to 1021

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Cache Step Plugin from 1.6 to 295

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees CasC Client Plugin from 2.58 to 2.60

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees CyberArk Credentials Provider Plugin from 294 to 296

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Google Cloud Storage Cache Plugin from 1.6 to 295

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees HashiCorp Vault Plugin from 1.418 to 1.438

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees High Availability (Active/Active) Plugin from 1677.1680 to 1687

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees License Manager Plugin from 9.82 to 1238

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Pipeline Explorer Plugin from 1.17.1 to 1.19

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Pipeline Policies Plugin from 1.12 to 1.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Platform Insights Plugin from 1.2 to 1.4

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Role-Based Access Control Plugin from 5.92 to 5.94

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees S3 Cache Plugin from 1.6 to 295

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Slack Integration Plugin from 560 to 562

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Unified Data Plugin from 1.39 to 753

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Common API for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded commons-lang3 v3.x Jenkins API Plugin from 3.13.0-62.v7d18e55f51e2 to 3.14.0-76.vda_5591261cfe

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Config API for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Configuration as Code Plugin from 1805.v1455f39c04cf to 1810.v9b_c30a_249a_4c

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Dashboard for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded API Plugin from 2.0.7-1 to 2.0.8-1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Declarative Pipeline Migration Assistant Plugin from 1.6.3 to 1.6.4

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Declarative Pipeline Migration Assistant API Plugin from 1.6.3 to 1.6.4

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Events API for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Git Pipeline for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded GitHub Pipeline for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Gradle Plugin from 2.11 to 2.12

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Gson API Plugin from 2.10.1-15.v0d99f670e0a_7 to 2.11.0-41.v019fcf6125dc

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded HTML Publisher plugin from 1.33 to 1.34

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded i18n for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) API Plugin from 1.2.0-6 to 1.2.0-7

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded JavaMail API Plugin from 1.6.2-9 to 1.6.2-10

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Jenkins Design Language Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Jenkins Git client plugin from 4.7.0 to 5.0.0

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded JWT for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Kubernetes Credentials Plugin from 0.11 to 173.v04e9c17cffd7

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Kubernetes plugin from 4233.vb_67a_0e11a_039 to 4246.v5a_12b_1fe120e

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Matrix Project Plugin from 822.824.v14451b_c0fd42 to 830.v7ea_da_561b_a_34

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Mina SSHD API :: Common Plugin from 2.12.1-101.v85b_e08b_780dd to 2.12.1-113.v4d3ea_5eb_7f72

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Mina SSHD API :: Core Plugin from 2.12.1-101.v85b_e08b_780dd to 2.12.1-113.v4d3ea_5eb_7f72

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Mina SSHD API :: SCP Plugin from 2.12.1-101.v85b_e08b_780dd to 2.12.1-113.v4d3ea_5eb_7f72

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Mina SSHD API :: SFTP Plugin from 2.12.1-101.v85b_e08b_780dd to 2.12.1-113.v4d3ea_5eb_7f72

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded OAuth Credentials plugin from 0.646.v02b_66dc03d2e to 0.653.v14cf2088e950

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Agent Plugin from 3.27019 to 3.27044

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Client Plugin from 3.27019 to 3.27044

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Cloud Plugin from 3.27019 to 3.27044

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Context Plugin from 3.27019 to 3.27044

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Personalization for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Pipeline Maven Integration Plugin from 1396.veb_f07b_2fc1d8 to 1421.v610fa_b_e2d60e

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Pipeline Maven Plugin API Plugin from 1396.veb_f07b_2fc1d8 to 1421.v610fa_b_e2d60e

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Pipeline: API Plugin from 1312.ve804c2f2d51e to 1316.v33eb_726c50b_a_

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries Plugin from 42.v0739460cda_c4 to 61.v629f2cc41d83

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Pipeline: Groovy Plugin from 3894.3896.vca_2c931e7935 to 3903.v48a_8836749e9

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Pipeline: Groovy Libraries Plugin from 710.v4b_94b_077a_808 to 727.ve832a_9244dfa_

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Pipeline: Multibranch Plugin from 783.va_6eb_ef636fb_d to 783.787.v50539468395f

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded REST API for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded REST Implementation for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Script Security Plugin from 1336.vf33a_a_9863911 to 1341.va_2819b_414686

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded SSH Build Agents plugin from 2.948.vb_8050d697fec to 2.968.v6f8823c91de4

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded SSH server Plugin from 3.322.v159e91f6a_550 to 3.328.v659088899699

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Trigger Restrictions Plugin from 1.11 to 132

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Trilead API Plugin from 2.142.v748523a_76693 to 2.147.vb_73cc728a_32e

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Web for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.12 to 1.27.13

Compatible plugins

Proprietary plugins

Verified plugins