CloudBees CI on traditional platforms - Operations center 2.375.1.1

Rolling release: 2022-11-30

Based on Jenkins LTS 2.375.1

Plugin modifications

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Pipeline API Plugin from 1198.v4596ea_5329b_6 to 1200.v8005c684b_a_c6

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded Operations Center Context Plugin from 2.361.0.3 to 2.375.1.1

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded Operations Center Monitoring Plugin from 2.361.0.2 to 2.375.1.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded JDK Tools Plugin from 55.v1b_32b_6ca_f9ca to 63.v62d2fd4b_4793

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Maven Plugin from 3.19 to 3.20

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Assurance Plugin from to

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Update Center Plugin from 4.72 to 4.73

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded Operations Center Agent Plugin from 2.361.0.1 to 2.375.1.1

  • Jenkins OSS LTS

    Upgraded Jenkins OSS LTS from 2.361.4 to 2.375.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin from 2.7 to 155.v795fb_8702324

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Snakeyaml API Plugin from 1.32-86.ve3f030a_75631 to 1.33-90.v80dcb_3814d35

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded GitHub Plugin from 1.35.0 to 1.36.0

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Credentials Plugin from 1189.vf61b_a_5e2f62e to 1214.v1de940103927

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded Operations Center EC2 Cloud Plugin from 2.361.0.1 to 2.375.1.1

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded Operations Center RBAC Plugin from 2.361.0.2 to 2.375.1.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded GitHub Branch Source Plugin from 1695.v88de84e9f6b_9 to 1696.v3a_7603564d04

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded SSH Slaves Plugin from 2.846.v1b_70190624f5 to 2.854.v7fd446b_337c9

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees CasC Server Plugin from 1.82 to 1.83

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Jenkins Configuration as Code Plugin from 1512.vb_79d418d5fc8 to 1569.vb_72405b_80249

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded JAXB API plugin from 2.3.6-2 to 2.3.7-1

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded Operations Center License Entitlement Check from 2.361.0.1 to 2.375.1.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Checks API plugin from 1.7.5 to 1.8.0

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded Operations Center Update Center Plugin from 2.361.0.1 to 2.375.1.1

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded Operations Center Cluster Operations Plugin from 2.361.0.1 to 2.375.1.1

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded CloudBees Unified UI Plugin from 1.23 to 1.24

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded Operations Center Elasticsearch Provider Plugin from 2.361.0.1 to 2.375.1.1

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded Operations Center Server Plugin from 2.361.0.5 to 2.375.1.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees CyberArk Credentials Provider Plugin from 1.0.17 to 1.0.18

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded Operations Center JNLP Agent Controller Plugin from 2.361.0.2 to 2.375.1.1

  • No release notes available

    Upgraded Operations Center Single Sign-On Plugin from 2.361.0.1 to 2.375.1.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees License Manager from 9.69 to 9.70

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Analytics Plugin from 1.43 to 1.44

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Git Plugin from 4.12.1 to 4.13.0

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Active Directory Plugin from 2.26 to 2.27

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Git Client Plugin from 3.12.1 to 3.13.0

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded JavaMail API Plugin Plugin from 1.6.2-7 to 1.6.2-8

Compatible plugins

Proprietary plugins

Verified plugins