Upgrade notes
CloudBees recommends that you start to prepare for the March release of Jenkins LTS as soon as possible. The March release will include important updates. If you use Jenkins LTS plugins that are not in the CloudBees Assurance Program (CAP), you should update them before upgrading your CloudBees products to ensure compatibility with the March release. If your company uses its own proprietary (non-CloudBees) plugins, CloudBees recommends that you test them against Jenkins version 2.266+ prior to the March release. And, as always, backing up your data before upgrading is strongly encouraged. For details about changes in the March Jenkins LTS release, see https://www.jenkins.io/blog/2020/11/10/spring-xstream/ and https://www.jenkins.io/doc/developer/views/table-to-div-migration/. |
If upgrading from a rolling release older than 2.426.3.3, customers may experience technical difficulties. CloudBees ensures compatibility only between supported versions of the product and recommends upgrading early and often to avoid these difficulties. If you are having difficulties upgrading, contact CloudBees Support for assistance. |