CloudBees CasC Server Plugin 1.49

1 minute read

RELEASED: Public: 2022-03-09

New features


Feature enhancements

CasC for the operations center bundle validation has been improved (BEE-14739)

Operations center CasC bundle validation messages have been improved. CasC bundle validation codes has been added to help identify errors and warnings. The error and warning details are included in the operations center log files. This can useful if you have automation configured to parse the log files and identify problems. For more information, refer to:

Controller CasC bundle inheritance validator (BEE-10478)

The CasC bundle inheritance validator now verifies that the controller CasC bundle that is defined as the parent in the bundle descriptor exists at the same file system level as the child bundle. For more information, refer to:

Resolved issues

  • Internal changes to streamline development. Not user visible. (BEE-10569)(BEE-10521)(BEE-10529)(BEE-10534)

Known issues


Upgrade notes
