RELEASED: Public: 2019-03-19
New features
Improve diagnosability of non-fatal errors during backups
Problem: CloudBees Backup Plugin swallows exceptions when the plugin fails to properly close the destination TAR file during the backup
Fix: Add diagnostics logging for non-fatal exceptions when performing backups to *.tar files. To get the error messages, FINE logging should be enabled for the com.infradna.hudson.plugins.backup.format.FailSafeTarArchiver class
Resolved issues
Prevent Azure backup failures in the case of non-critical issues
Problem: Backup to Azure sometimes fails with a "Stream is already closed" exception due to the error in Azure Client library
Fix: The plugin has been updated to prevent unhandled exceptions for non-fatal issues coming from the underlying client library. It enhances the fix in 3.38.9 by preventing the exception from happening in other execution paths.