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OpenIDConnect Configuration representation.clientIdStringrequiredClient ID used to uniquely identify the SDA server with the OIDC provider. openIDConnectConfigurationNameStringrequiredThe name of the OpenID Connect provider. serverUrlStringrequiredURL for the service host. authorizationEndpointStringoptionalURL for the authorization endpoint. clientSecretStringoptionalSecret used to request token ID for the authenticated used from the OIDC provider. configurationUrlStringoptionalThe OpenID Connect provider's well-known configuration endpoint. If specified, then the other endpoints will be dynamically discovered when refreshConfiguration is set to true. descriptionStringoptionalComment text describing this object that is not interpreted at all by CloudBees CD/RO. emailIdTokenClaimStringoptionalClaim name in the token ID used to retrieve the user email. enableSingleLogoutStringoptionalWhether the user will be logged out from the OIDC provider when the user logs out of SDA. enabledStringoptionalWhether this OpenID Connect configuration is enabled. Defaults to true. fullUserNameIdTokenClaimStringoptionalClaim name in the token ID used to retrieve the user full name. jwkProviderEndpointStringoptionalURL for the JWK keys endpoint. logoutEndpointStringoptionalURL for the logout endpoint. newNameStringoptionalThe new name for an existing object that is being renamed. refreshConfigurationStringoptionalWhether the endpoint attributes such as authorizationEndpoint, tokenEndpoint and other configuration details should be updated using the configurationURL. If true, then configurationURL must be set. ssoProviderStringoptionalUsed to identify the SSO provider for displaying the branded SSO button on the login page. tokenEndpointStringoptionalURL for the token endpoint. userGroupsIdTokenClaimStringoptionalClaim name in the token ID used to retrieve the groups that the user belongs to. userNameIdTokenClaimStringoptionalClaim name in the token ID used to retrieve the user name. |
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