CloudBees CI feature comparison

3 minute read

The following section describes the features and services in CloudBees CI.

To purchase additional features or services, contact your account manager, Customer Success Manager, or CloudBees Sales.


  • = Has "out of the box"

  • = Requires implementation

  • = Does not have

  • = Kubernetes only feature


Table 1. Community features


Jenkins LTS

CloudBees CI on traditional platforms

CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms

The leading automation platform for continuous integration and delivery

Ecosystem of 1,800+ plugins

Online documentation

Online tutorials, workshops

Support services

Table 2. Support services features


Jenkins LTS

CloudBees CI on traditional platforms

CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms

24/7 expert support available depending on your support agreement

Dedicated expertise to accelerate your DevOps transformation

Analysis of your Jenkins environment (alerts you to out-of-date components, security vulnerabilities, and issues impacting performance)

Installation, updates, and maintenance

Table 3. Installation, updates, and maintenance features


Jenkins LTS

CloudBees CI on traditional platforms

CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms

Monthly rolling releases

Assisted updates available

Tested/validated build of Jenkins to ensure plugin compatibility

Curated list of 200+ plugins to ensure compatibility with each other and the Jenkins build instance

Automated incremental plugin security updates (deliver plugin security fixes or important new features that can’t wait until the next full product release)

Cluster operations such as performing backups or restarts on client controllers, or installing or upgrading plugins

Manage plugin compatibility and updates with custom plugin catalogs

Report on plugin usage

Continuous integration

Table 4. Continuous integration features


Jenkins LTS

CloudBees CI on traditional platforms

CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms

Build complex delivery pipelines with the Pipeline feature

Builds that survive controller and agent failures with Pipeline feature

Ephemeral build agents

User-friendly declarative syntax for Pipeline modeling

Restart builds from checkpointed locations

Detects restore scenario and attempts to bring your instance back up quickly after loss of environment

Team management

Table 5. Team management features


Jenkins LTS

CloudBees CI on traditional platforms

CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms

Organize jobs with folders

Define environment variables that are passed to the builds of all jobs within a folder

Display selected jobs from subfolders in a higher-level view

Restrict which kinds of items may be created in a folder

Move jobs (or subfolders) from one folder to another (or to or from the root of Jenkins )

Restrict which agents each team has access to

Share build agents across connected controllers

Self-service controller provisioning

Share standardized build environments (including Docker configurations) across a cluster of controllers

Store controller configuration to file for easy replication


Table 6. Security features


Jenkins LTS

CloudBees CI on traditional platforms

CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms

Centrally enforce common security options, including authentication across a cluster of controllers

Centrally managed role-based access control (RBAC)

Single Sign-On (SSO) for access to multiple controllers

Support for self-signed certificates (cluster configuration)

Cloudbees-provided CyberArk plugin, allowing storage of Jenkins credentials in an external CyberArk vault

Signed Docker images

Signed Helm chart

Trigger restrictions (restrict which upstream jobs are allowed to trigger builds of other jobs)

Developer productivity

Table 7. Developer productivity features


Jenkins LTS

CloudBees CI on traditional platforms

CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms

Shared and centrally organized Pipeline templates to start from

Auto-discovery of Pipeline templates in repositories

Receive and act upon granular, actionable build data directly in GitHub

Receive granular, actionable build data directly in Slack

Automate Pipelines across teams and controllers

Manage inbound events across multiple controllers

Create and manage ServiceNow change requests and incident tickets from your Pipeline

Cloud platform

Table 8. Cloud platform features


Jenkins LTS

CloudBees CI on traditional platforms

CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms

Auto-configured Kubernetes agent

Jenkins build validated for AKS, EKS, GKE, PKS, and OpenShift (K8s)

Windows container support on AKS, EKS, and GKE

Share cloud agent configuration across a cluster of controllers

Convenient controller management and scaling in EKS and GKE

Elastically scale infrastructure and agents up and down dynamically based on workload