CloudBees Previews reference information

1 minute read
CloudBees Previews is a Preview feature.
A Preview feature:
  • Has not undergone end-to-end testing with CloudBees products.

  • Is provided without service-level agreements (SLA), and therefore does not include CloudBees' commitment to functionality or performance.

  • May impact other stable areas of the product when used.

  • May have limited documentation.

  • May not be feature-complete during the Preview period.

  • May graduate from Preview to a supported feature or be removed from the product.

  • May introduce breaking changes that prevent upgrades due to incompatibility with future development.

Product features and documentation are frequently updated. If you find an issue or have a suggestion, please contact CloudBees Support.

CloudBees Previews lets you use APIs to manage or customize your preview environments to suit your own specific needs.

Additionally, CloudBees Previews lets you create multiple named environment configurations, called contexts, in a preview.yaml file. You can use these contexts to create specific types of preview environments. For example, you might create one context for updates to the documentation and another context for updates to the application itself. Then, you can request a preview environment for a specific context to view only the updates that are relevant to that context.