Plugin modifications

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Amazon Web Services SDK :: EC2 Plugin from 1.12.671-439.veec746c91fcb_ to 1.12.696-451.v0651a_da_9ca_ec

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Amazon Web Services SDK :: Elastic Beanstalk Plugin from 1.12.671-439.veec746c91fcb_ to 1.12.696-451.v0651a_da_9ca_ec

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Amazon Web Services SDK :: Minimal Plugin from 1.12.671-439.veec746c91fcb_ to 1.12.696-451.v0651a_da_9ca_ec

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Administrative Monitors Plugin from 1.0.13 to 1.0.14

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Analytics Plugin from 1.59 to 1.60

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees CasC Client Plugin from 2.51 to 2.55

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees CasC Items API Plugin from 2.56 to 2.62

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees CasC Items Commons Plugin from 2.56 to 2.62

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees CasC Items Server Plugin from 2.56 to 2.62

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees CasC Server Plugin from 2.46 to 2.50

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees CI Teams on Operations Center Plugin from 1.2.56 to 1.2.57

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees HashiCorp Vault Plugin from 0.25 to 0.27

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees License Manager Plugin from 9.80 to 9.81

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Platform Common Plugin from 1.27 to 1.29

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Platform Insights Plugin from 1.0 to 1.1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Plugin Usage Analyzer Plugin from 2.21 to 2.22

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Role-Based Access Control Plugin from 5.91 to 5.92

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Skip Next Build Plugin from 4.17 to 4.18

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded CloudBees Unified UI Plugin from 1.32 to 1.33

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Common API for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.11 to 1.27.12

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded commons-text API Plugin from 1.11.0-95.v22a_d30ee5d36 to 1.11.0-109.vfe16c66636eb_

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Controller Lifecycle Notifications Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Credentials Binding Plugin from 657.v2b_19db_7d6e6d to 677.vdc9d38cb_254d

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Display URL API Plugin from 2.200.vb_9327d658781 to 2.204.vf6fddd8a_8b_e9

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Durable Task Plugin from 550.v0930093c4b_a_6 to 555.v6802fe0f0b_82

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Elasticsearch Reporter Plugin from 2.387.0.4 to 2.387.0.5

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Elasticsearch Reporter Configuration Plugin from 2.387.0.4 to 2.387.0.5

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Elasticsearch Reporter Feeder Plugin from 2.387.0.4 to 2.387.0.5

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Elasticsearch Reporter Reporter Plugin from 2.387.0.4 to 2.387.0.5

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Email Extension Plugin from 2.105 to 1806.v856a_01a_fa_39a_

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Folders Plugin from 6.879.990.cb-v8176690e44b_9 to 6.928.v7c780211d66e

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Font Awesome API Plugin from 6.5.1-3 to 6.5.2-1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded GitHub Branch Source Plugin from 1785.v99802b_69816c to 1787.v8b_8cd49a_f8f1

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Ionicons API Plugin from 70.v2959a_b_74e3cf to 73.vb_f522f227457

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Kube Agent Management plugin from 1.1.68 to 1.1.69

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Kubernetes plugin from 4198.v5da_9435c6c3e to 4208.v4017b_a_27a_d67

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded LDAP Plugin from 719.vcb_d039b_77d0d to 725.v3cb_b_711b_1a_ef

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Master Provisioning Kubernetes Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Agent Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Context Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Elasticsearch Provider Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center JNLP Agent Controller Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Monitoring Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Server Cluster Operations Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Server EC2 Cloud Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Server Kubernetes Cloud Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Server License Entitlement Check Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Server Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Server Role Based Access Control Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Single Sign-On Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Operations Center Update Center Plugin from 3.26950 to 3.26999

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Pipeline: Supporting APIs Plugin from 896.v175a_a_9c5b_78f to 907.v6713a_ed8a_573

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded REST API for Blue Ocean Plugin from 1.27.11 to 1.27.12

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded SCM API Plugin from 689.v237b_6d3a_ef7f to 690.vfc8b_54395023

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded SSH Agent Plugin from 346.vda_a_c4f2c8e50 to 367.vf9076cd4ee21

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded Support Core Plugin from 1421.v1a_899a_c02a_54 to 1427.v083f1d9372a_f

  • Release Notes

    Upgraded User Activity Monitoring Plugin from 1.18 to 1.19

Compatible plugins

Proprietary plugins

Verified plugins