New features

New header and navigation

The new header includes the CloudBees Navigation, which allows you to switch between CloudBees CI, CloudBees CD/RO, and CloudBees Analytics.

Inclusion of CloudBees Software Delivery Automation plugins into CloudBees CI (SDANAV-2)

The following plugins are now installed by default with CloudBees CI. In addition, these plugins are included in the CloudBees Assurance Program.

  • cloudbees-platform-common-plugin: Provides infrastructure for integrating CloudBees CI with the unified CloudBees platform.

  • cloudbees-unified-navigation-plugin: Unifies the navigation for continuous integration, delivery, and release orchestration.

  • cloudbees-platform-data-plugin: Publishes Jenkins Events from CloudBees CI.

  • jjwt-api-plugin: Bundles the Java JSON Web Token (JJWT) library, needed by the cloudbees-platform-common plugin.

Preparation for upcoming API changes in Jenkins (SDANAV-73)

Administrative monitors are retrieved by API when the alert icon is selected.

Preparation for upcoming REST API for Administrative Monitors (SDANAV-93)

Administrative monitors are retrieved using the new REST API in Jenkins.

Feature enhancements


Resolved issues


Known issues

Buttons not working in the administrative monitors

The buttons in the administrative monitors, such as the More Info button, do not include a valid crumb in the request when they are clicked from the header.

Access the alert messages from the top of the Manage Jenkins page instead of from the administrative monitors.