Known issues
- Duplicate Pipeline Template Catalogs in the Configuration as Code jenkins.yaml file on each instance restart (BEE-12722)
If a Pipeline Template Catalog is configured in the CasC
file and theid
property is not defined, the catalog is duplicated on each instance restart and in the exported CasC configuration.
Upgrade notes
- H2 Database upgrade (BEE-14818)
To stay current and to prevent potential security vulnerabilities, the H2 database is now upgraded to a newer version automatically when you start the operations center.
When you upgrade, make sure that you don’t have any shared clouds or agents on-lease, because the process will delete and recreate the database.
- User Activity Monitoring Plugin database update (BEE-14611)
In the 2.332.3.2 release, the User Activity Monitoring Plugin was updated to use a new database. The new database is installed automatically when you upgrade to version 2.332.3.2 or later, however historical data tracked by the plugin will not be migrated to the new database. You may continue to use the User Activity Monitoring Plugin normally and user activity will be captured again, or you can migrate the data from the old database if you need historical data.
For more information about migrating the historical data, refer to Migrating historical User Activity Monitoring Plugin data.
- Migration to Java 11 will soon be required for new releases (BEE-42)
The Jenkins community will begin supporting Java 11-specific features soon (Java 11 byte code), at which point it will no longer be possible to use a Java 8 runtime environment. Because CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms is based on the Jenkins LTS, future releases of CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms will have the same requirement.
CloudBees strongly recommends upgrading your CloudBees CI on modern cloud platforms environment to run Java 11 as soon as possible. Some of the Java 11 updates may require action on your part, and there may be a specific order in which you should upgrade components in your environment. For more information, refer to Migrating to Java 11.
- When upgrading to Java 11, you must update your Java garbage collection arguments (BEE-16018)
Garbage collection has been updated in Java 11. Many of the previously recommended arguments are no longer supported. When you upgrade your JDK to Java 11, you must also update your garbage collection configuration. Using unsupported Java arguments will result in startup failure.
For more information, refer to Adding Java arguments to the Jenkins service configuration file.
- Jenkins upgrade notes